On May 5th you will have the chance to decide the future of our Borough for the next four years. Ealing Labour are standing on our record of delivering for you. With renewed leadership, energy, determination, and ideas we are once again asking for your support.
Our priorities are your priorities. The ones you have told us and continue to tell us, from tens of thousands of conversations on the doorstep are the issues you care about. Tackling the cost of living. Recovering from the pandemic. Fighting violent crime and antisocial behaviour. Fixing social care. Re-growing, re-wilding and recycling. Delivering more genuinely affordable homes.
We approach this task with a new sense of urgency and energy that responds to the many challenges we know we continue to face together. We knew that we faced the challenges of austerity, broken markets in housing and the delivery of public services. We also knew that growing demands for adult and children’s social care were creating ever growing pressures, whilst at the same time the unknown consequences of Brexit might well strain us further.
Today, none of us could have anticipated that the COVID-19 pandemic would impact us all just as much as it has done. The other global challenges of the climate crisis and deep embedded structural inequality and racism have urged us to act with even more speed and resolve.
Our agenda for the borough is grounded in our key values that guide what we do and how we do it. We have continually set out our commitment to be an open, transparent, and inclusive party and council. We remain full of hope and creativity in how we set about changing our borough for the better with you, always on your side.
Despite this, there remain so many opportunities. To shape our borough for the better. To hand power back to communities. To do all we can to support those who need our support, empower those who need empowering, or getting out of the way of organised communities and people who want to make change work for them.
That is the spirit that underpins each of the pledges we make to you in this manifesto. Everything can and will be delivered, in a partnership of equals, where we work together to make our borough the best it can be.
When the pandemic hit, every community and neighbourhood came together in a million acts of love and kindness to keep the NHS on its feet, and to look after each other as friends, neighbours, and as perfect strangers. The coronavirus crisis has shown us what matters most. We now need to go back to a society where we look out for each other. Not just in times of crisis, but always.
There is so much happening in our seven towns and communities that we can take pride in and encouragement from. Our borough is a unique collective of identities and cultures, expressed so vividly in the places that people call their homes.
We remain ambitious and hopeful for the future of the seven unique towns that comprise our bit of West London. We are proud to be the only party standing up for and representing residents across the towns of Acton, Ealing, Greenford, Hanwell, Northolt, Perivale and Southall. In this election, we be standing the most diverse group of candidates ever and of all parties, each and every one committed to fighting for you, and remaining always, on your side.
The coronavirus crisis has shown us what matters most. We now need to go back to a society where we look out for each other. Not just in times of crisis, but always. Peter Mason - Leader, Ealing Labour
Read more about all of the pledges we are making to you in this election in our manifesto click on the links below.
To read more about our mission, values, challenges and budget, click on the links below.