Everyone deserves a decent, safe and genuinely affordable home. But there is an affordable housing crisis across London and too many people can’t afford a decent home.

Many are living in cramped homes unsuitable for their families, or in homes in a state of disrepair. Others are trapped in the private rented sector, with costs skyrocketing and home ownership being a distant dream.

At any one time, as many as 11,000 families wait on the council’s waiting list for a home they can afford, whilst over 2,000 families are in precarious and  temporary accommodation through no fault of their own.

At the same time, we face a broken housing market and a chronic lack of Government investment in social housing, which prevents us from building all the homes that local residents need.  However, despite significant odds, we’ve gone above and beyond our ambition to help provide homes for as many residents as possible.

By May 2022, we will have delivered one of the most ambitious house-building programmes in London and we will have built 2,700 genuinely affordable homes for people across the borough.

We also reduced the number of people that are homeless and took significant steps to ensure that people living in housing association properties and the private rented sector are further protected.

This election, we’re pledging to go even further – to build 4,000 new and safe genuinely affordable homes that cost no more than a third of the average income. Everyone deserves a decent, safe and genuinely affordable home – which is why we want to stop people being priced out of local housing and to build many more council homes for rent.


  1. Deliver 4,000 new genuinely affordable homes across the borough and ensure Ealing residents and key workers have priority to access new affordable homes in the Borough.
  2. Invest £400m in the council’s housing, ensuring everyone can life in a safe, secure, and healthy home.
  3. We will push developers to deliver even more genuinely affordable homes in new developments and pushing the overall number of affordable homes built in the Borough well above 35%.
  4. Establish a Private Renters Association, led by renters, to provide mutual support and advocacy for the 15,000 families that are renting privately within the Borough.
  5. Pilot a new Community Land Trust within the Borough, and where our tenants want to, develop a new route to mutualise their homes through a new ‘Right to Hold in Common’.
  6. We will work to end the need for families who face eviction needing to stay in bed and breakfast temporary accommodation and invest £20m in 100 new safe and secure places for people to stay.
  7. We will continue the fight with government to give us the powers we need to extend our landlord licencing scheme across 100% of the borough, to ensure that we put an end to rogue slum landlords taking advantage of tenants.
  8. Campaign to end the pernicious no-recourse-to-public funds rule that forces rough-sleepers back out onto the streets and deliver 100 new supported places where rough-sleepers can be helped back into homes, work and the mental and physical support they need.
  9. We will defend the right of council tenants to have security in their homes by maintaining lifetime tenancies, campaign to ensure security of tenure are extended into the private rented sector and to end no-fault evictions.
“Too many families do not have a safe, affordable home to call their own. No one should have to grow up or grow old fearing for their future or being forced out of the communities they are part of." Cllr Lauren Wall - Cabinet Member for Genuinely Affordable Homes
Cllr Lauren Wall - Cabinet Member for Genuinely Affordable Homes
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