Labour-run Ealing Council is committed to making protecting Ealing’s biodiversity, ensuring our parks, open spaces and nature are enhanced and teaching our younger generations about how to steward our green spaces.
We launched our Biodiversity Action Plan in 2022, laying out our ambitious plan for how we will tackle the dual challenges of the biodiversity and climate crises. As well as this, as part of Ealing Labour’s Manifesto and Ealing Council’s Council Plan, we have an ambitious agenda to provide greater access to green spaces and promote our biodiversity. After planting 37,000 trees in our last council term, we’re committed to planting 50,000 trees across Ealing over the next four years. We’re also creating 10 new parks and open spaces, giving the same m2 as 130 football pitches back to nature through re-wilding and re- introducing wildlife, and pioneering 10 new community growing spaces in our housing estates and new developments.
On top of this, we have several initiatives designed to encourage children to learn more about nature and biodiversity. As part of our biodiversity action plan, we are creating an Ealing Biodiversity Partnership which will harness the skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm of our whole community. Further to this, Labour-run Ealing Council supports a network of forest schools and recently put on several biodiversity workshops along with local partners.
We’re also rolling out a Green Schools Network, recently launched, that is a free programme designed to help schools become greener and carbon neutral.
At Full Council tonight, Ealing Labour reiterated our commitment to continue working with schools to encourage learning about biodiversity and nature. This is just one part of our plan to protect the biodiversity, accessibility, and beauty of our green spaces, and to ensure we are leaving behind a greener, fairer future for the next generation.